Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fist Things First

One of the main things to learn about a country or a city is it's climate. Whether because you will be living there or because you need to know what kind of clothes to pack for your visit, knowing the climate is essential.
Because this city was established on water, humidity levels are high almost throughout the whole year. Temperate climate for the most part due to the sea's proximity.
Spring is the most favorable climate for tourist. The long hours of daylight, lack of rain, and warm climate make it an attractive city during the months of spring.
The Fall is also attractive to tourist because even though the sun sets sooner, the climate is still nice.
The Summer is very hot with temperatures reaching up to 95 degrees F with occasional storms.
Winter temperatures do not normally drop below freezing point and are a lot less crowded with tourists.

 Venice lies in the middle of the Venetian Lagoon which is a lagoon separated from the Adriatic Sea by the Lido island and measures 30 miles in length and and 6 miles in width.The city of Venice is a city on water that measures 3 miles in length and 2 miles in width.

Venice's most prominent landscape feature is it's long Grand Canal that runs though the city. Although there are many more canals, the Grand Canal is the most famous canal.  


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